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Services Academy

Services Academy Faculty

Brian Bader

Brian Bader

Titles: Culinary Arts Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641 ext. 551
Benjamin Buchanan

Benjamin Buchanan

Titles: Social Studies Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641
Caitlyn Childers

Caitlyn Childers

Titles: Veterinary Science Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641 ext. 315
Garrett Crawford

Garrett Crawford

Titles: Ag-Science Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641 ext. 465
Meghan Gillum

Meghan Gillum

Titles: Health and Services Academies Supervisor
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641 ext. 428
Charmaine Gore

Charmaine Gore

Titles: Science Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641 ext. 372
Robert Holt

Robert Holt

Titles: Math Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641 ext. 378
Janie Knipp

Janie Knipp

Titles: Early Childhood Education Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641 ext. 359
Jennifer Leach

Jennifer Leach

Titles: English Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641 ext. 363
Chloe Perdue

Chloe Perdue

Titles: Academic Aide, Substitute Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641 ext. 551
Stephen Skidmore

Stephen Skidmore

Titles: Cosmetology Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (740) 867-6641 ext. 522

Services Academy News

Ohio Tech Day: Celebrating the "Tech" in Career Technical

In honor of Ohio Tech Day, we're celebrating our Ohio Career Technical School's integration of technology into academics and career classrooms. The video, skillfully produced by high school students in our Digital Media Engineering program, showcases our innovative approach to tech-oriented education. Join us in championing Ohio’s future as a thriving technology hub, bred by our dedicated staff and tech-savvy students, at our Ohio Technical School.

Read More about Ohio Tech Day: Celebrating the "Tech" in Career Technical